I have had it tough the last two weeks. This is my most
heavily loaded semester so far. I had a tight schedule planned out and was
managing to stick to it, at first. Then we had a friend from Italy visiting who
was only going to be in Cape Town for a few days so I left my books alone for a
bit. Next we had a heat wave; really it was more than 40 degrees! I sat at my desk,
sweltering, and nothing seemed to go in. I did try to study but had to give-up
after a while as the heat was making me cranky, tired and unable to concentrate
try though I might. It was so hot a trip to the air conditioned Spar down the
road was magical and I even considered taking my books there to study in their
coffee shop area.
Luckily the heat broke somewhat on Monday, it is still hot
but at least with a bit of a breeze in the evening I finally managed to be
productive, about time! At that stage I was two weeks behind schedule. I will
have a lot to do this week to catch-up. It will be possible though if I push
This is what minimalism has given me. The time I need to
study and the focus to push on even when I am wondering why I am doing this and
putting all this extra pressure on myself. It has definitely helped that my
cleaning work load has decreased and that I am spending lee time watching TV.
Intentional living has also forced me to re-evaluate what is important in my
life and my studies has become a part of that. I even think that the will power
I needed to exercise to not go shopping the last 6 months has helped. Will
power is like a muscle apparently, the more you use it the easier it becomes. I
will make this semester work.