Monday, 11 August 2014


So .. Big news, I’m pregnant!

We are 12 weeks along and almost out of the first trimester which has been fairly rough. I am hoping things will smooth out now and I will get some energy back.
I am slightly conflicted and unsure how I feel about it. It is a planned pregnancy but went a bit quicker then I initially thought it would. I am excited but also anxious and apprehensive; a child is after all a major life changer!

Also the pregnancy has thrown a bit of a curve ball at my desire to start building my minimalist wardrobe this summer. I was all keen to seriously cut down and invest in more classic, time-less pieces but now I feel like there’s no point to buying new clothing when my body is going to fluctuate so much in size over the next year. Now I’m thinking things like I need long, loose tops, preferably with button fronts in case I want to breast feed.
I am hoping I can get away with non-maternity items for a long while still as, more exciting news! I can finally button up my pants fully again. You can’t believe how excited I was this weekend when buttoning up and even wearing a belt again became possible. Maybe I should explain, after all its a bit weird that I couldn’t for a while at the start of my pregnancy and now when I should be starting to show my belly has actually decreased again. The last couple of weeks I’ve been feeling very nauseous and pretty bloated, any sort of pressure on my stomach made me feel unwell, hence the looser pants. Now that my stomach seems to be settling down and I am feeling better my pants fit again. I am fully enjoying this window of fit while I can.