Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Day 16

Last night I went to play squash again with a friend. Or at least we tried. The courts were all full so it was back home and a vow to try again on Thursday. It was a good excuse to invite her up to look through my gift pile (nice stuff that I want to sell or give to friends). She left with two pairs of shoes, a pile of books and all my perfume (I did explain about the parabens they contained since I felt I can’t give toxic products to friends but she didn’t mind).

I then went online and ordered myself a set of essential oils and some castile soap. That should hopefully arrive sometime in the middle of next week. Lastly we went out to discuss weekend plans with friends. Friday is a public holiday here and we have rented a cottage with some friends in the winelands. Objective: Try out all the wines on our wedding venues menu, they are mostly from the area so will be fun to get bikes out and cycle from wine estate to estate. Looking forward to that. I am also taking some art projects along since I want to start drawing/painting more again. It makes me zen.

No cleaning took place, although I did drag some stuff for recycling out to the car this morning  to dump at the recycling depot on the way home. Really need to tackle the rest of the Kitchen tonight. It’s a bit of a mission so I am not looking forward to it but I’ve done most of the house now and it’s the last bit that needs doing. My boys desk area is overflowing with stuff but I won’t touch that. I am hoping with some time he will realise how cluttered it is now compared to the rest of the house.

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