Tuesday 4 February 2014


Yesterday night and over the weekend I spent some time in the garden. I am excited about my sunflowers coming up (they grow so fast!). My basil is going fantastic, and the rocket is growing like a weed (which it is I guess). I am just battling to get the neighbour’s cat from eating my celery, basil and chives. I sprinkled some chilli powder over these plants so I am hoping he gets a bit of a shock next time he eats them and thus learns to leave them alone. Being in the garden is calming. It is pleasant to be outside and busy. I am also seeing more of the neighbours as a few pass by where I am working. Everyone stops for a chat which is cool. I like our neighbours; everyone seems friendly and interested in the garden. My 2 upstairs neighbours have both been talking about extending the garden. Our building garden is divided into lots of small plots and the woman upstairs is talking about taking the small plot next to mine and seeing what she can do there.

I like the fact that my quietly getting on with things is inspiring other people to try new things as well. It’s true what they say; be the change you want to see. If you live your life the way you want then people will take notice eventually and consider your principles and actions. They might even start to change as well. All of this is non-threatening change, I don’t preach a message, I don’t judge. It may be slow change but I hope it is lasting and in the meantime I am getting to know the neighbours better and their interest in my garden has me motivated to keep working on it, so advantages all round.

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