Friday 6 December 2013

The appeal of silence

3 months ago I stopped listening to radio in the car. Mostly it was to avoid the constant advertising although the fact that the Djs are excessively chatty here was also a factor.

Instead I collected my favourite CDs (which would never get played in the house since we play all our music off a hard drive). Every morning or afternoon before I started driving I would choose one to suit my current mood. Usually it was fairly upbeat and I would sing along. Singing in my car makes me happy. After a while I found that on my morning commute I usually wanted something calmer. So mornings I started to listen to classical or peaceful music (Beck – seasons change  got a lot of play).
Recently though I have switched off the music completely on the morning drive. I was starting to find even the quite music a bit disruptive. Now about every other morning I drive to work in silence. It is roughly 20 minutes that I try to keep silent and my mind clear. I try not to think about work and what I need to do that day. No shopping lists, plans for later or thoughts of meeting friends. Besides for focusing on the traffic (please be alert when driving!) I like to let my mind wonder and not pay too much attention on where. I find that I come into work calmer, more awake and focussed. Now I am considering eliminating music from my morning drive completely. It is rather soothing.

The only small niggle I have is that people I talk to find it a bit strange. I don’t have TV (haven’t for about 7 years now), I started to avoid reading the newspaper and then the radio. Now I try to avoid even noise as well. For a society that needs constant background chatter I can understand that it seems a bit odd, which is why I don’t tell everyone. I get asked sometimes what I think of a new song on the radio and I reply with a vague oh I haven’t heard it yet. I don’t know the names of many actors and I don’t hear about the news unless someone tells me. I suppose some people find it a bit detached but it suits me fine, I also don’t worry about these things. Maybe other people should try a little silence too every now and then.

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