Monday 20 January 2014

Struggling to resist the mall

I struggled this weekend. I came this close to heading out to the mall. At first for what I thought were acceptable reasons. I wanted to buy a second pair of pyjamas (and figured I would then chuck all my old T-shirts and boxers I normally sleep in). I figured I could use a few new, good bras. It snowballed as I then thought more about my work blouse on its last legs and how I could replace that as well. Then I started thinking maybe I could buy some nice navy pants as well to start building on a navy capsule. New socks got added to the list and then I thought about a new set of glasses (I’ve been wearing the same pair the last 10 years). DH suggested I go to Canal Walk, the biggest mall in Cape Town. Then I worried, Canal Walk is so huge! I knew once I was there I would risk being sucked into every shop I walked past. Oh no! I had to avoid that.

I took a deep breath and decided to focus on something else to resist the temptation to go. Instead I went to the nursery; I picked up a few seedlings, celery, rocket and even some flowers. I spent the rest of the afternoon working in the garden. I spent about R200 (+- $20) on plants, soil and compost. So while I did buy something I feel that I spent a lot less then I would have if I went to the mall. Also the plants got me outside in the garden and since I mostly buy herbs I like the idea that they are consumables and we can eat anything I grow.
So I narrowly missed failing my year challenge. I must also admit though that I am still struggling. The gardening helped for a day but the urge to shop is still with me. It’s like an itch now that I can’t ignore. I am starting to feel like I have set myself a task that is too difficult and not even necessary. I have to constantly remind myself why I am doing this and also that those are good reasons. Why is this so hard?

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