Tuesday 14 January 2014

Mid-way in my No-Buy year

I am now half way through my year of not buying material goods. How am I going so far?

I have actually made a few exceptions over the past few months. I have bought the following:
·         A pair of navy silk pyjamas
·         Two pairs of New Feel sneakers from Decathlon (1 light pair for summer and a heavier pair for all year round)
·         A 2014 Agenda

The silk pyjamas were on insistence from my husband. He has been complaining the last few months that my Hallo Kitty pair really only suits girls under sixteen. I must admit that this new pair feels very grown up and the feel of silk on my skin is very luxurious. They are also more comfy then I had thought they would be. Now I will just have to ditch my Kitty pair which I am finding hard.
The shoes were the biggest departure from my goals this year. Two pairs! They are adorable though and I console myself with the idea that since Decathlon is a brand we don’t have in SA I took advantage of our trip to France. I plan to get rid of a few of my other pairs though to make up for this splurge.

Lastly the Agenda, I include it here even though it might technically be a consumable (don’t you fill up the pages?). Also since it’s an annual one it really is something you have to buy every year. Maybe one day I will get myself an up to date phone with a working calendar but until then I will buy a new mini agenda every year.
How do I foresee the next six months? I might have to get some new under garments and I have a work shirt that is getting worn very thin that might need replacing soonish. As mentioned when I was doing the 15 pieces in a month working capsule, things seem to wear out very fast when you wear them often.

So, not too bad I reckon. It’s more than I wanted to buy but a lot less then I usually purchase.  That was the point, to consume less and consider every purchase in depth.

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