Monday 1 September 2014

Bedroom Spring Clean

So, our bedroom, hmmm. We have damp issues in our bedroom. We have a solid glass block window with only a tiny section at the top that can open. This little slice that can open sits underneath our blinds so it is very difficult to get any fresh air. When you add in the fact that the external wall has been badly sealed and moisture leaks in through this wall you have a prime situation for damp mouldy grossness.

We had a friend, who’s an electrician, come by this weekend to help us get more plugs, we only had one in the bedroom and wanted to extend the line through to the bathroom (where we had no plugs!) so we can at least plug in our washing machine without having to run an extension cord though the house the whole time.

In order to help him out we moved all our cupboards from the wall and ... gross! So much mould growing there it was shocking. Luckily I had bought a big bottle of white spirit vinegar a couple of weeks before so we attacked the mould with it and scrubbed our walls down. It was a fair bit of work but the mould and even the damp stains seemed to lift easily with the vinegar and the wall looks so much better it’s almost like we re-painted!

Since we were then in a cleaning blitz we also wiped down all the furniture (removing all knick knacks lying about) and moved the mattress outside to air and soak up some sun. While the mattress was outside we lifted the planks under the bed and vacuumed the whole floor (goodbye all the dust bunnies under the bed!). We had been keeping some old mats under the bed as well (Hubby wanted to keep them for camping) but they were so gross I took them straight out to the bin and hubby didn’t even complain.

We have gotten a quote for new windows along the whole back of the flat including the bedroom. The new windows will be larger and allow us to get more air circulating. The body corporate has also agreed to re-seal the outside wall so hopefully we will have less damp issues next year.

I am very happy with the new bedroom, it feels so much cleaner and healthier. I feel like it has inspired us to tackle the rest of the house. Such a big change for about R30 in cleaning materials and some elbow grease!

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