Thursday 14 November 2013

Stepping back from my wardrobe

Today I counted my clothing items, I own about 80 pieces of clothing (excluding shoes). This includes winter and summer gear as well as gym clothing and an old T shirt and shorts I keep for gardening. This is enough for me for now. I have halved my wardrobe since August and will pause the process here for a while. There are still items I don’t wear often but these are also more special occasion stuff, like pretty going out tops and a full length grey dress that is also for more formal affairs. I have been so obsessed with a capsule wardrobe that I almost forgot the big picture. I realised this last night when I woke up in a panic dreaming about clothing I had to give away! How awful to have it prey so heavily on my mind, that was not the purpose of this whole cutting down evolution. The clothing I have now represents a good working wardrobe with a selection of colours and styles. I have enough items that I will now rely on a more natural process of slimming down, ie I won’t replace items so quickly as they wear out.

I will keep the work experiment going though. 4 work weeks with 12 items. After 4 days everything is still going fine. Dressing in the morning is a cinch and I feel that everything I wear seems quite professional and suits me well (I got rid of some ill-fitting work tops earlier). It is also very basic and maybe a bit bland but that’s ok because I always look forward to going home and putting on my brights at the end of each day. Tomorrow Ill wear my coral blouse though as I am itching for a splash of colour.

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